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Epew Rüpü Foundation is composed of an interdisciplinary and multicultural team, in which its members co-opt in the love of ancestral knowledge. Feeling the responsibility to value that wisdom that is part of each territory and is an opportunity that gives us the present.

The foundation was created in August of 2017 in the city of Temuco and its directory is composed of:

Presidenta: Ana Curihuentro Lincoqueo

Secretaria: Katherine Gómez Cabezas

Tesorero y Fundador: Ricardo Medina Leal

Si quieres comunicarte con nosotros, no lo dudes, escribe en nuestro facebook o al correo

Ana Curihuentro Lincoqueo

Katherine Gómez Cabezas

Treasurer and Founder:
Ricardo Medina Leal

The objective of the foundation is to share cultural elements of indigenous peoples through educational means, to promote the appreciation of cultural roots.

Epew Rüpü Foundation, is especially focused on children, as a platform to understand their environment and connect with their roots, in the formation of conscious and respectful people.


The foundation was born to give continuity to the work done with the KimunDigital student project funded by the Ministry of Education through the University of La Frontera, with which various Epew (ancestral stories) were collected, thanks to the research carried out by the team in communities of the Araucanía region

The team selected an Epew shared by the living human treasure, ñaña Paula Painén, which was worked to create a digital book aimed at children, written and recorded in three languages (mapuzungun, Spanish and English) with illustrations alluding to the Epew which can be colored. This book is freely available on our website, appstore and physical book soon available in some libraries.

Currently the foundation is working on the Fondart project "Epew - Rescste y valor en valor                  of ancestral knowledge "which consists of the creation of another 6 digital books with ancestral content which will also be available on our website for free, as well as visits to schools with epewtufes.